Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is a fun holiday, but it's essential to keep
safety in mind. When trick-or-treating, children should always be accompanied
by an adult, use flashlights or glow sticks, and stay in well-lit areas. Costumes
should be visible and safe—think reflective elements and non-restrictive masks
to ensure clear vision. Also, make sure to examine all treats before eating to
ensure they are safe and wrapped securely. For drivers, be extra cautious in
neighborhoods and watch for excited trick-or-treaters who may be less aware of
traffic. With a few precautions, Halloween can be safe and enjoyable for
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st in the United States since the early 1800’s. The tradition of Halloween was brought to the United States by Irish immigrants. The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols such as the jack-o-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, visiting haunted attractions, costume parties, carving jack-o-lanterns and reading scary stores.
During Halloween children and youth frequently engage in going from door to door requesting candy or other treats. When they do so, these children usually wear costumes.
While the practice of trick-or-treating can be fun and enjoyable for children, it also represents certain hazards and risks. The following Halloween Safety Tips have been developed by the American Crime Prevention Institute.
Children’s Costumes
· Costumes should be bright and reflective. Shoes should fit well, and costumes should be short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flames.
· Costumes, wigs and accessories should be flame resistant.
· Eye holes in children’s costumes should be large enough for good peripheral vision.
· Add reflective tape or striping to costumes and/or trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility.
· If the weather is cold, children should have warm clothing under their costumes.
· When purchasing special Halloween makeup, the packages should contain ingredients labeled “Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives,” “Laboratory Tested,” Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics,” or “Non-Toxic.” Follow manufactures instructions for application.
· Costume props such as toy guns or swords should be made of pliable material.
· Realistic replica firearms should never be used.
· Avoid cumbersome masks. Use make-up instead.
· Use battery powered lanterns or chemical light sticks instead of candles in decorations or costumes.
· All children and their escorts should have flashlights with fresh batteries.
· Place name, emergency identification and address on the costume and/or on a bracelet.
Tips for Trick-or-Treating
· A parent or responsible adult should always accompany young children when they are trick-or-treating.
· It is preferable for children to trick-or-treat during daylight hours. Dusk is the time of poorest visibility for drivers.
· Children should trick-or-treat in a group, preferably with a responsible adult.
· Advise children they should never enter a stranger’s home.
· Children trick-or-treating should obey all traffic and pedestrian regulations.
· Children should only trick-or-treat in well-known neighborhoods at homes that have a porchlight on.
· Children trick-or-treating should remain on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalk. Never cut across yards or use alleys.
· Children trick-or-treating should have specific time limits.
· Instruct children not to eat any treats or candy until it has been brought home and inspected.
· Children should be told to walk, don’t run, from house to house.
· When trick-or-treating, don’t allow children to bicycle, rollerblade or skateboard.
· Children should be strongly warned not to approach unfamiliar pets and animals.
· Children should be told to be polite and say, “thank you”.
After Trick-or-Treating
· Unpackaged trick-or-treat items such as popcorn or small candies should be discarded.
· All fruit should be cut and carefully examined before eating.
· Examine all treats for choking hazards.
Halloween Safety Tips for Pet Owners
· Don’t leave your pet in the yard on Halloween. Pets can be teased, injured, stolen or even killed.
· Chocolate is poisonous to many pets. Tin foil and cellophane candy wrappers can be hazardous to pets if swallowed.
· Be careful of pets around a lighted pumpkin. They may knock it over or get burned.
· All but the most social pets should be kept in a separate room during trick-or-treating.
· Be careful your dog or cat doesn’t dart out through an open door.
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