Crime Prevention Resources

ACPI maintains a vast catalogue of crime prevention material, content and related information provided to you for no cost. Check back to this page regularly for updates.


Straight Talk About 

Explore the practical realities of implementing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 

School Weapons Violence Prevention

Practical strategies for protecting students, staff and visitors from weapons-related violence

Security for Professional Home Visitors

Protection strategies for occupations requiring employees to make home visits to clients

9-Step Security Survey Process

Download a free template containing specific details for conducting effective security surveys and assessments

Life After 
Law Enforcement

A clear 5-step process for planning the next phase of your career after law enforcement

Protecting Classrooms from Active Shooters

Learn about the various security measures that can be taken by school officials, staff and law enforcement.

Latest ACPI Blog Posts

Free Downloads


Comprehensive guides for residences and houses of worship

Vacation and Travel Crime Prevention Tips

Excerpts from the LEO Complete Crime Prevention Manual

Campus Crime Prevention Standards

Recommendations for preventing crime on college and university campuses

Preventing Theft From
Motor Vehicles

Comprehensive recommendations for preventing auto theft


March 27, 2024

June 28, 2024

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